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Quality of Guanhang Chain Block

As a standard tool in the hoisting industry, the chain block can be mounted on the I-beam by a monorail crane for mobile hoisting and hoisting, becoming an essential tool in the non electric operation environment.

From raw material procurement, R&D and production to finished machinery products, Guanhang Machinery integrates quality into all aspects, fully guarantees the product quality and safety of lifting hoists, and makes continuous efforts to provide users with a lifting hoist that conforms to workers' operating habits.

The raw steel of Guanhang mechanical chain block and other materials are selected as excellent steel suppliers nationwide. The demand for parts of the chain block varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. For parts made of high-strength materials such as hooks and lifting chains, the steel with the highest strength, especially the lifting chain, is made of manganese steel. After multi process treatment, the breaking strength can reach G100. To select high-quality suppliers for supply, certain comparison can be made in the selection of materials. The manufacturer will also pay attention to the quality of steel when supplying.