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How to improve the use efficiency of chain block

In fact, in the chain hoist operation, improving the operation efficiency needs to start from the details of operation and maintenance, mainly including the following points:

The operating procedures of chain block must be strictly followed to avoid failure during operation. In particular, it is forbidden to pull and hoist, overload and so on. As an operator, it should also be flexible.

Sufficient lubrication of parts shall be ensured. The use of lubricating oil can effectively reduce the friction inside the chain block operating mechanism and the chain to a lower level. Therefore, sufficient lubrication can be ensured to ensure operation efficiency.

Keep stable balance when lifting. Make the weight and chain block mechanism in a balanced and stable state, avoid shaking, keep the tension stable and reduce the risk of accidents.

Finally, it is necessary to maintain the chain block regularly and replace the seriously worn parts in time to ensure the use efficiency of the chain block.