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Fixed requirements for electric winch

The fixation of the electrically controlled winch is directly related to the safety of its use, so special attention should be paid. What are the requirements for fixing an electric winch?

1. The fixing of the winch should be reliable, and overturning and movement should be strictly prevented. Before each operation, the fixing should be checked for firmness.

2. The fixed installation position of the winch should allow the operator to clearly see the commanding personnel and the lifted or dragged objects. The horizontal distance from the winch to the installation position of the component should be greater than the installation height of the component.

3. When using the anchor method for fixation, the anchor point must be firmly selected, and trees, poles, etc. should not be used instead of anchor piles to prevent the winch from moving or overturning due to excessive force.

4. If auxiliary guide pulleys need to be installed, they should also be securely fastened with ground anchors and steel wire ropes.

When fixing the electric winch, the above requirements can be referred to. If there is anything else you need to know, you can call for consultation.

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